Studies show that your IQ doesn't change but your EQ can! That's good news for many of us!
#EQisAMuscle that can be developed. The first step is knowing what the heck it is.

Here's the components of EQ:
• #SelfAwareness: The ability to recognize emotional
components in one’s thoughts or physical states, as in
noticing feelings, labeling them, and connecting them
to their source.
• #SocialAwareness: The ability to recognize emotional
components behind another’s communications, often
through sound, appearance, or behavior.
• #SelfManagement: The ability to recognize and
accurately communicate information without undue
influence from one’s emotions.
•#RelationshipManagement: The ability to have (and
exhibit) sensitivity to another’s feelings and concerns.
Stay tuned for tips on how to #DevelopYourEQ
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