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Writer's pictureLinda Mullins

Women Making History

March is #womenshistorymonth, when we extend gratitude and honor to the women who have impacted the world we live in. There are millions of famous and unsung heroines throughout the ages to whom we pay homage. Thank you to the women trailblazers that have gone before us, for immeasurable strength and sacrifice- we are grateful!

And, equally important, I ask who are those among us making history, now - today? What do women making history look like? Encouraging a wider lens from which to see all the women making history . . . . .it may look a bit like this -

This month we also highlight those among us blazing trails, working for companies around the globe and #womenentrepreneurs making an impact, whether we've heard of them or not. Women with mighty missions and visions, living out their values and sharing them with the world, affecting real change, legacies in the making. "Women in the arena", daring greatly, fueled by passion for God, business, politics, music, science, technology, children, justice, health, and art.

Some of my favorite people making history are shown in this photo with me; Yvette Grove, entrepreneur , Leslie Austin, recording artist and Jordi Bostock, entrepreneur. Whether they've graced the cover of #DMagazine,Forbes or Success Sisters Foundation or not, some other amazing #entrepreneurwomen I admire are Dr. Robin Perry Braun, Anne "Kip" Rodgers, Maria Walker, Valerie Freeman, Pastor Dr. Cynthia Mickens Ross, Haphen Muchapondwa, and countless others I'm grateful to call friends and colleagues; all making impact, all blazing trails, all making history.

Will you share your favorite women making history now?

Cheers to you all!

Linda Mullins

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